Thursday, April 23, 2009

Our New Occupational Therapist

This week for the most part has been pretty uneventful other than we finally got Kelsie into therapy at the Children's Therapy Center which we are thrilled about! We had the initial evaluation last Tuesday and Kelsie really hit it off with the Occupational Therapist, Ms Mary, we will be seeing. It seems like she is really going to work on some of the major issues we are having with Kelsie and she actually listened to our concerns and discussed a plan for dealing with some of these issues. The last therapist we worked with was unfortunately the type of therapist that Ms Joyce our ECI OT warned us about. She was more concerned with working on handwriting and things that won't really help Kelsie at this point.

We had our first session with this new therapist Tuesday and Kelsie really did well despite the fact that the timing for our appointments is not the best. (It is at 2:30 on Tuesdays and that is usually Kelsie's nap time especially after school) I couldn't believe all the things Kelsie was willing to try! Ms Mary spun her around in a baby swing and I really thought that might scare Kelsie, but all she kept saying was faster, faster, faster. She got into a pretty deep ball pit without a moment's hesitation which is something she wouldn't do at all at the old therapy center. She even drank some milk during our "tea party" (Ms Mary's attempt to get Kelsie to try new foods). Kelsie has never been a milk drinker ever since she was weaned from nursing!! I am already extremely impressed with what Ms Mary is able to get Kelsie to do and this was only the first real session we had with her. I am very hopeful that she will continue to do that well every time we go!

1 comment:

  1. It is so awesome when you find a provider that "clicks" with your child AND with your goals and priorities for your program. I am so very glad you found that for Kelsie! It sounds like Ms Mary is inspiring her to stretch her boundaries.
