Saturday, April 3, 2010

Timmy's Birthday Party

Our friends Denise and Martin's son Timmy turned one and we went to his birthday today at the park. It was a perfect day for it and the kids had a blast. They got to play on the playground, bust a pinata, and have cake what more could a kid ask for! :) Although it was during nap time Kelsie had a great time. She wasn't even ready to leave despite the fact that we were there for almost 3 hours! She just loves being outside anyway, but when you add a playground and party she was happy as could be.

After the party Kelsie still wasn't tuckered out. We ate dinner and she spent the rest of the evening playing with Nick and Sophia outside. I couldn't believe she had enough energy to run around with them after all the activity that went on today. I am not complaining though, because we all had a wonderful day filled with lots of fun!

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