Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hopeful for Answers about Sleep!!

Tomorrow we visit the ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) Specialist at long last! We found out a 2 weeks ago that Kelsie has sleep apnea. This of course is after 1 month of Kelsie not sleeping through the night even once, a sleep study, and another 3 weeks waiting to get some answers. The sleep study was not something I recommend to anyone with a 2 year old unless you truly suspect something is wrong. They hook the poor dears up to more equipment than you would think would fit on a 2 year old then expect them to sleep. My strong-willed daughter fought way past exhaustion and finally did sleep around 11 or so, but it was not a fun night. I never realized how often she actually wakes or flails during sleep poor thing and of course each time she would wake up she would try to pull the equipment off of her. We are so anxious to hear what the ENT will say and what he recommends. We are now on month 3 without any of us getting a full night's sleep, so we are praying that he will provide some solutions!

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