Monday, May 31, 2010

I finally reached my weight loss goal!

I started my weight loss journey in March of 2009 at 10lbs overweight and essentially no exercise besides normal activity. I began by making small changes to my diet and exercising a few times a week. Those changes slowly became big changes. As I continued to alter my diet and began exercising daily. For the first year and a half I exercised exclusively at home, but hit a plateau and found myself unable to lose those last 5lbs. Well, in April I joined the YMCA and I am extremely happy to report that I finally reached my final weight loss goal! While I will still continue to work on toning up and getting even more fit, I am able to proudly say that I do not feel that I need to lose any more weight!!!

I have now lost a total of 32lbs!!! I can't believe it! I never thought I could get this far. I am so proud that I have finally made it to where I am today and I am excited about looking into a way to help others reach their goals.



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