Kelsie has been excited about her end of the year program for weeks. She comes home singing the songs and talks about practicing at school all the time. She asked almost every day if the program was that day. I love to see her get so excited, but it is really hard to explain time to a four year old.
They finally had the program and it was adorable! They had the youngest kids perform first and I think only one of the kids actually sang, but it was very cute to watch them all do the hand movements. Then the rest of the school came out to perform. They sang songs and said a bible verse or two. Kelsie was so happy and proud! She sang and did everything she was supposed to. We were all proud of her and loved watching her shine! :)
Afterward they had a slide show of all the kids throughout the year. It was wonderful, because we got to see the kids in true form at school. As a parent you only get to see them at school during parties or special events, so to see them captured at times when you can't be there is a special thing. It also reminds you how much they have grown throughout the year. They get big so fast!!
Unfortunately, the end of the year program marks the end of the school year. Kelsie loves her school and her friends and school so much that it is hard to see it end. She is very sad that she won't be in Ms Jana and Ms Cristina's class anymore. I hope she enjoys next year as much as she has this one!
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