Monday, June 15, 2009

Our Weekend

Kelsie and I decided to spend the weekend at grandma and grandpa's since Mike was supposed to have to work 3rd shift to support the mission. It turns out he did have to work on Friday, but that the mission has been delayed due to a valve leak they discovered during the launch preparations. Mike decided to come and join us in Kingwood late Saturday after he had a chance to recover a little from the late shift.

We had a lot of fun! Kelsie and I went swimming Saturday morning and she was so happy to show off what she had learned in swim lessons to her grandma and grandpa. She used my mom's swim noodles like she does the barbells in her swim lesson. She also blew bubbles, did her row rows, and kicked for them. They were so proud of her and I was too. She was doing great! She needed very little help while she was using the swim noodles and she kept going for quite a while when she had them. I was happy to see her having fun in the water.

The rest of Saturday we just all kind of hung out and had a lazy day. It was nice to have a day without an agenda or pressure to go, go, go. It seems days like that are few and far between. Kelsie's favorite part was making pizza for dinner. She got to play with the extra dough and the flour on the counter. She made a huge mess, but it was worth it to see her having such a good time!

Sunday my brother and his wife came over to celebrate father's day early with my dad since Kait (my brother's wife) has to work on father's day. My mom fixed her delicious spaghetti and meatballs for lunch and we all had a great time visiting. My mom and I worked on sewing my skirt and every time we thought we were done we realized there were a few more steps to go. We are getting close to finishing, but we aren't quite there yet.

Overall it was a nice and quite weekend. It was a nice break before the mission starts again on Wednesday. That is of course assuming they are able to get the shuttle up. Apparently there is only one launch attempt on Wednesday, so I am not very hopeful that it will actually go. We will see though. I could be wrong. I hope it does go, because otherwise they will have to go in July and that might mess up our planned trip to San Antonio. To top it all off there is yet another mission scheduled for August, so I would hate for them to be that close together. Ah, but that is how the space business works it seems unfortunatly.

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