Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Kelsie's first day at her new MDO

Today was Kelsie's first day at her new Mother's Day Out. It went as close to perfect as you could expect for her first day! She talked about going to school all day yesterday and this morning she kept explaining (more to herself than to me) that I was going to take her to school and drop her off and then I would pick her up later.

She gave me absolutely no trouble getting into the building. She even pulled her backpack herself from the car to the door. However, she started to lose her confidence once we got in the door. She found a chair right inside to sit in for a couple of minutes until her friend Sophia came. I decided it would be best not to fight about getting her to walk to her class, so I picked her up and carried her to the classroom door. I put her stuff in her cubby and she decided to try to hide in one of her classmate's cubby. I was really worried that she would fight going in to the room, but I took her hand and she walked right in without a peep.

As soon as we got in the room, Ms. Jana, her teacher, gave her a name tag and then asked her to go find her chair. Kelsie seemed to completely forget I was there after that. She went right to her chair and started building the Mr. and Mrs. Potato Heads they had out on the table. I went over to her and gave her a quick kiss and a hug and then left. She didn't even turn around to see that I had left!

When I came to pick her up, I asked the other teacher, Ms. Cristina, how she did and she said she did wonderfully. Kelsie then looked at me and said, "I had a good day Mommy." Then she proceeded to tell me that she went potty all by herself, which she was very proud of probably because it was a new place and that is often an issue for her the first few times. She also told me that she was a little disappointed that they didn't get to play outside today since it had rained. She said her favorite part of the day was playing at the rice table they had out and that she met some new friends. Although she couldn't seem to remember any names. :)

I am just beyond thrilled that her first day went so smoothly. Every other year the first few weeks if not month has been filled with tearful goodbyes and even reports that she is sad most of the day some days. I just can't put in to words how much easier it is to drop her off when she is happy and pick her up the same way! I hope she continues to love her new school and that she learns lots of new things this year!

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