Monday, March 2, 2009

Potty Success!!

Kelsie has been scared of the potty for quite a while now. Unfortunately we bought her a potty that plays music when you go and a few months ago she went and it really scared her, so she has refused to sit on it ever since. Well slowly over the last 2 weeks we have worked with her in getting used to the potty again. We first got her to sit on it with her clothes on. Then we got her to sit on it with her diaper only. Finally she sat on it without a diaper. Today she actually went pee pee in the potty not only once, but 5 make that 6 times she went again right before bed!!!

We are so excited!! We have been having her sit on the potty every 1/2 hour if she doesn't go and every hour if she does. No poo poo yet, but we are hopeful that she will get that too. She is very proud of herself and loves getting the candy after she goes! I am keeping my fingers crossed that this success will continue!


  1. Horray for Kelsie!!! That is an awesome first step.

  2. Thanks guys! We are so shocked that she was so willing to go today! She went each time and stayed on the potty through at least one book each time.
