Friday, March 27, 2009

Singer/Songwriter Kelsie

Ever since Kelsie was born we have used songs to make things fun and to help calm her. We make up songs about just about anything from going to school to using the potty. Kelsie has always enjoyed them, but never has really participated. Well that has definitely changed lately. It all started when she would sing what she was doing for example I am eating would be sung instead of stated. Over the last couple of days she has actually started making up her own songs.

Yesterday she made up a an entire song about how her daddy didn't need to sleep or go to work. It went something like this "My daddy doesn't need to sleep, need to sleep, need to sleep anymore. My daddy doesn't have to go to worrrrrk at niiight anymore". Then she would repeat sometimes changing up the lyrics a bit. It was so cute! :) I guess that is a clue that she is tired of Mike having to work 3rd shift. She just doesn't seem to understand why daddy is home, but she can't talk or interact with him.

Today she started singing about wanting her breakfast cereal on the way to the pantry. "I want some ceeeereaaaal tooo, I want some ceeereaaal too. Please get me my ceeereaaaal now". I can't wait to see what else she comes up with!


  1. So happy to see yet another talent that Kelsie is willing to share with all.
    Miss Janet

  2. She is definitely expanding her talent base lately! :)
