Wednesday, January 7, 2009

ECI Graduation/Birthday Celebration

Today was our last appointment with Ms Janet our speech therapist and Ms Joyce our occupational therapist and thus was our official graduation from ECI. While it was sad to think that they won't be coming around anymore it was fun to reminisce about how far Kelsie has come since we first started working with them 21 months ago. When we first started Kelsie was non-verbal and had extreme difficulty adjusting to everyday life and activities. Thanks to these two wonderful ladies' help and encouragement we have come so far. Kelsie talks all the time and expresses some very complex thoughts for almost 3 year old (yes I realize that tomorrow she will be 3, but I am not rushing things so almost if fine for today!!). She also is able to express the things that are bothering her much better now, so we are able to help her cope with her sensory issues much better than before. I can't even express how much having Ms Joyce and Ms Janet has changed our lives. I will be forever grateful to both of them and will miss them dearly!

Instead of having a normal appointment today we celebrated Kelsie's birthday together. They brought cookies to decorate with icing and sprinkles. Kelsie had a blast! This has become one of her favorite activities lately. I think mainly because she gets to eat them when she is done!! She is very precise about how things should be done and didn't hesitate to dictate her "orders" to Ms Janet. It was fun!

They also brought Kelsie some presents. They brought her some dolls for the bathtub, a princess crown, some necklaces, and some stickers. Of course the first thing she went for were the necklaces that has been a favorite of hers since she was old enough to play with them. After they left I opened the dolls and Kelsie played with them for the rest of the day. She even came up ingenious plan to keep the clothing on the dolls. She would take the separate pieces and stick them together with the stickers she got! I was amazed that she came up with that all on her own. I never would have thought to do that!!

I am so glad that Ms Janet and Ms Joyce came up with the idea of having a party instead of a normal appointment, because it turned what was a kind of sad day into a great one! I am thankful to have those memories!!

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