Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kelsie's Substitute Teacher

This week Kelsie's main and favorite teacher Miss Amy is out for the week. We of course explained this to Kelsie before MDO today and she was determined not to go to school without Miss Amy being there. We finally convinced her that everything would be OK and that Miss Bri her normal assistant teacher would be there. She still fought going in more than usual, but no major tantrums or crying just a little more resistance.

This is the first time this year that Kelsie has had a substitute that she had never met before and I was a little nervous all day because of that. I guess I didn't need to be at all. As soon as Kelsie got in the car I asked her how her day went as usual. She looked at me and said "My new teacher is really nice and she showed me lots of new things". I was so happy to hear that! She definitely must have bonded with her today, because as we were going up for nap time Kelsie without prompting said "Miss Alisha (the sub) is my best friend".

Last year every time there was a sub she had bad days. I am so glad that Kelsie is learning to deal with new people so quickly now. I will feel so much better about Thursday and will actually be able to relax!

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