Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions, because I then beat myself up when I don't keep them. However I have decided to try them again this year. I thought if I write them down this time I will be more likely to work towards keeping them. So here goes...

1. Eat Healthier and hopefully get Mike and Kelsie to do the same
2. Exercise more
3. To have more patience especially when it comes to Mike and Kelsie
4. Take a little more time to myself (hopefully this will help with #3)
5. To cherish everyday and not take anything for granted - life is just too short

These are things I have already been working on I just hope that I can continue to do them throughout the year!

1 comment:

  1. I totally believe that number 4 is the key to number 3! Something all moms need to work on. I'm wanting to try that too. It'll be summer before you know it!
