Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sleep Update

We have had some wonderful successes with Kelsie's sleep since seeing the ENT in December. The ENT prescribed an allergy medicine that she has to take every day and it has made a HUGE difference. As soon as she started taking it she went from waking up 4-6 times a night to only geting up once a night (sometimes 2-3 but that is rare) and instead of staying up she goes right back to bed. We have even had some nights that she slept through the night!!

She had been in our room at first in our bed, then in a twin bed of her own for a month maybe two which helped her to go back to sleep better. During this entire time even before we moved her to our room someone would have to lay down with her either beside her or at the end of her bed for her to fall asleep which got old fast. We finally started staying in the room with her, but not laying down with her. We would go lay down in our bed until she fell asleep.

We decided that since she was sleeping so much better we would mover her back to her room on the 5th of January. We were cautiously optomistic that this would help all of us to sleep better. We were so excited that it seems to have helped the sleep situation. In her room we would just sit in the rocking chair until she fell asleep until this week. Mike one day just told her he would come back and check on her, but he wasn't going to stay in the room. She has been going to sleep on her own ever since!!! We are so happy and relieved, because it would sometimes take 45 min-hour for her to go to sleep and we just had to sit there and wait. She has even slept through the night 9-7 a couple of times this week. We still haven't had two consecuative nights of sleeping through the night yet, but I am loving all of this improvement!!

We go back to the ENT Monday and I am wondering what he is going to say. I don't know if it is safe to continue to give allergy medicine to her indefinitely. If not what is the alternative? I hate the fact that she is having to take medicine daily, but it is helping all of us so much. She can stay awake all day like she is supposed to now and although we are still have behavioral stuggles we have seen some improvement in some areas like MDO, one-on-one playdates, and everyday errands. I am just hopeful that this wasn't just a short term solution. I think we would all be pretty upset if things have to go back to the way they were!!


  1. That is awesome news Melanie! Yay for sleep!

  2. We are so thrilled! I really hope she starts to sleep through the night more soon.
