Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Kelsie!!

Today was Kelsie's 3rd birthday and it was a pretty full day! First thing this morning we wished her a happy birthday and asked how old she was today mainly because we were curious if she knew what it meant. Well she does she immediately said I'm 3 and got a huge smile on her face! She had MDO today and they did a little celebration for her and another little girl during their lunch. They made a hat for her that had the number 3 on it and I was very surprised that she wore it out to the car and let me take a couple of pictures with it on when we got home. Granted I told her she would get a special treat if she let me take some pictures, but that is still an accomplishment considering how much she hates things being on her head!

After school we took a long nap which is such a blessing since we had so much to do afterward. My parents came over and we took Kelsie back to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate (her actual party is on Sunday, but we wanted to do a family celebration today). She loved showing grandma and grandpa everything! She danced and sang when Chuck E. Cheese performed. Of course she played some games and was so excited to win tickets. She didn't understand what they were for last time, but this time she new tickets equals prizes so she was very happy when she got some! :)

We brought some cupcakes to celebrate. She got very excited when we started singing happy birthday to her. She even was able to blow out the candles without help this year!! That is such a huge accomplishment for her considering not even 6 months ago she couldn't blow anything not even a small piece of paper on a table. We have worked very hard on that skill, because it apparently is very important for speech development. After that she opened her presents which she loved of course.

Tonight we also went to celebrate Mike's award he received for his exceptional leadership during the last mission. We were all so proud of him! Kelsie didn't clap for anyone else but her daddy and there were a lot of awards. I was so happy that she behaved during the entire award portion of the ceremony, so we all (My mom and dad, Mike's mom, Kelsie, and I) got to see him receive his award. Again this too is a big deal, because Kelsie does not like to sit still long!

We came home and finished opening the presents we didn't finish at Chuck E. Cheese and the ones from friends and Grammy. She loved everything she got! By this time it was almost bedtime and you could tell. As soon as the grandparents all left and we started getting ready for bed the breakdown from the overstimulating day started! I wasn't surprised in the least, because we did way too much for one day!

Overall today was a wonderful day and I couldn't be prouder of Kelsie! It was such a beautiful and fun day spent with family. Kelsie was so thrilled to spend her birthday with all the grandparents!