Thursday, January 22, 2009

Little Gym Update

Monday Kelsie went to her first non-mommy and me session at Little Gym. Based on her recent experiences with Little Gym I was pretty sure it would not go well. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. She went in by herself without fighting us and she stayed the entire hour!

There were some issues I would like to work on (not following directions is the main one), but for the most part she participated and even seemed to enjoy it. She even got knocked over by another little girl and didn't cry or anything. If I had been in there she definitely would have had a much stronger reaction!! She did come to the door a couple of times, but Mike and I were able to convince her to go back in and stick it out.

I am really excited that she did so well and that she seemed to actually enjoy the class again. I think I may have had something to do with her acting out in Little Gym before. She is definitely testing her boundaries/limits with me and Mike, so I think she was really fighting us not the class itself. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Kelsie will continue to enjoy her new class.


  1. That is awesome, its always so nice to see them gain independence. Yay for Kelsie.

  2. Yay Kelsie! I hope things continue to go well. One step at a time!
    Miss Janet
